Addition Maths Games for Year 2 (age 6-7)
On-screen activities can really help children add 1-digit numbers to 2-digit numbers and develop efficient mental methods of adding larger numbers.
All activities use colourful lively displays requiring children to input answers on the screen.
Printable marked answer sheets are available at the end of each set together with on-screen rewards for all correct answers. One minute timed challenges are also available.
Revise addition up to 20
We begin with adding up to 20 with the help of bar models, number lines and part-whole models. Timed activities can be used to check how well children have mastered the skills and knowledge involved.
Use the vocabulary of addition
Understanding terms such as 'plus' and 'add to' with numbers up to 20.
Use part-whole models
Using part-whole models to help with addition.
Add three numbers
Strategies for adding three small numbers, including looking for pairs that make 10.
Add whole tens
Adding multiples of 10, with the help of bar models, number lines and a speed challenge.

Add whole tens with a number line to help.
Add 9, 19, 11 and 21
Using mental strategies to add 9 or 19, 11 or 21 to 2-digit numbers.

Add 9 to any 2-digit number.
Pairs of numbers that make 100
Practice pages and activities for children to recognise and know pairs of numbers that make 100.
Complete addition sentences
Find the missing number in these addition statements.
Finding pairs: a memory test
Finding pairs of numbers, a mixture of addition, memory and good luck. Have a go!
Add to a multiple of 10
Add 2-digit numbers to multiples f 10.
Add to a multiple of 100
Adding single digits to a multiple of 100.