Arithmetic Paper Practice Maths Worksheets for KS2 Maths SATs Booster
Practice sheets for the most recent Arithmetic Paper at KS2.
Addition questions
Questions ranging from very easy addition taken from the Year 3 Programme of Study to adding harder decimals.

Tricky addition of decimals.
Subtraction questions
Written subtraction questions are a popular subject in the KS2 Arithmetic Paper: they come up every year.
Multiplication questions
A selection of typical questions found on the Arithmetic Paper ranging from multiplying a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number to multiplying decimals.
Division questions
A great collection of worksheets ranging from simple division to the written method of dividing a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number. Similar questions to those shown have all appeared on recent past papers.

Use known facts to divide.
Fraction questions
Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions have all been found in past papers. here is a selection of similar questions.

Multiply simple fractions.
Other arithmetic questions
A selection of other types of question found in recent KS2 Arithmetic Papers, including percentages and square numbers.