Autumn Term 2
Autumn Term 2
Week 7
We begin the second half of the autumn term with addition and subtraction using mental methods, concentrating on adding or subtracting a 1-digit number.
Week 8
The work quickly gets harder as we look at addition and subtraction including subtracting a 2-digit number from a 2-digit number.
Week 9
Further addition this week, including adding 3 numbers and 2-step word problems. Our on-screen activity,'Add 3 numbers' is a great way to practice and build up confidence.
Week 10
Working with money: coins only. Counting and finding amounts; don't forget to get the coins out to help with this.
Week 11
Using notes and coins plus plenty of shopping as we move towards Christmas.
Week 12
It's all about sharing this week, together with a little on odd and even numbers.

Beginning to understand division as sharing equally.
Christmas themes
A selection of Christmas related pages for the end of the autumn term.
Old Weekly Programme Weeks 7-12
Old Weekly Programme
Whilst we really like our brand new Weekly Programme many of our users still find our old programme an invaluable resource. Below is the second half of the old Autumn Term Weekly Programme.