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Autumn Term 1

Welcome to our weekly programme for Year 1. We have selected a set of worksheets for each day of the week from Monday to Friday. Because these are mainly made up of 3 or 4 pages they are ideal for an adult to go through the first page with the child before the child then tries a different page on their own.

The topics are all matched to the current Maths Programme of Study as set out by the Government. We have tried hard to organise the topics in a similar way to most schools, but as each school has their own approach we cannot guarantee they match any particular school’s programme.

The first six weeks of resources concentrate on counting, comparing and ordering numbers and addition.

Please note: our old weekly programme can still be found at the bottom of the page.

Week 1

5 sets of worksheets for Monday to Friday, plus an on-screen activity for further practice. Beginning to count from 1 to 10 to find how many there are, including finding a total of different sets of objects. Plenty of practice with counting real objects is also needed.

Week 2

Counting forwards and backwards and finding one more than or one less than numbers up to 10 are the topics this week. Remember there are plenty more resources on our main categories.

Week 3

We look at some of the language associated with number this week, including understanding most and least, finding how many more and introducing the <, > signs.

Week 4

Ordering groups of objects and numbers, including ordinal numbers, is the theme for this week.

Week 5

An early look at addition, including introducing the add sign and using part-whole models to illustrate splitting numbers.

Week 6

More addition practice with small numbers. Don't forget to practice with our on-screen 'Making 10' activity

Old Weekly Programme Weeks 1-6

Old Weekly Programme

Whilst we really like our brand new Weekly Programme many of our users still find our old programme an invaluable resource. Below are the first six weeks of the old Autumn Term Weekly Programme.

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