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Week 7

We concentrate on addition this week, with totals up to 10. Bar models are a good way to illustrate calculations.

Week 8

Introducing subtraction with small numbers, including using number lines to count back.

Week 9

We continue with addition and subtraction activities with numbers up to 10. Number lines are a great help with counting back.

Week 10

A change of subject this week as we concentrate on recognising and sorting 3D and 2D shapes.

Week 11

The numbers are getting larger as we take a first look at 2-digit numbers up to 20. Base 10 blocks and an abacus are great ways to illustrate numbers in the teens.

Week 12

Ordering numbers and finding the smallest and largest with numbers up to 20 are the topics for this week. Don't forget we have many more resources in the main Year 1 categories.

Christmas Week

Just right for the end of term, a week of Christmas themed maths including counting baubles, stockings and hats.

Old Weekly Programme Weeks 7-12

Old Weekly Programme

Whilst we really like our brand new Weekly Programme many of our users still find our old programme an invaluable resource. Below is the second half of the old Autumn Term Weekly Programme.

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